Instructor: Renata Pearson
June 21, 2025 - October 5, 2025 - FALL 2025 COURSE OUTLINE and SCHEDULE!
Saturdays: 10am - 6pm Pacific - Live Remote Sessions (computer camera required)
Weekly Monday Conference Calls: 5:30pm - 8:30pm Pacific
CHB Exam Prep builds the professional expertise level that highly motivated, industry experienced individuals need to successfully pass the U.S. Customs Brokers Licensing Examination (CBLE).
Renata Pearson conducts the CHB Exam Prep Class as a Socratic seminar, where asking and answering questions stimulates your critical thinking capability and draws out ideas and underlying presumptions.
You will learn proper methodology for reading government publications to locate the hidden nuggets buried deep within the Customs Regulations and the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. You will then learn how to apply those nuggets to complex trade situations.
Learn how to rapidly find regulatory cites during group dialogue and build personal confidence required to pass the Customs Brokers Exam so you can become a Licensed Import Compliance Specialist.
Become empowered. Make the commitment to advance your future.
REGISTRATION is OPEN - CHB Exam Prep Remote Course - FALL 2025 - $1,695 Registration Dead-line - June 6, 2025 - Must have all government references before first class June 21. Note: Do not register using your phone. Complete this process on a desk-top or lap-top computer. Repeat Students - Limited availability. Instructor approval required. - If you completed all Lesson Tests and 50 Exam Lab Quizzes during last prep session for Federal CBLExam, contact Renata Pearson regarding space availability and exam lab certification. If approved, class participation is free. eCourse Renewal may be required see below.
- If your eCourse access has expired, eCourse Access Renewal - Register Here - $250
Words of encouragement from Renata:
As a licensed Customs Broker since 1991, I am very passionate about our industry and
believe strongly in facilitating the advancement of individuals wanting
to obtain their Federal CHB credentials. My goal in giving back to the
industry is to provide students with the best education possible and to
position them for success with the CHB exam and success in their future
career endeavors.
I promise you will learn more than you ever
thought possible and I will help guide you each step of the way as you
strive to achieve your goal of becoming a Licensed Customs Broker.
REFERENCE MATERIALS and SUPPLIES must be purchased separately.
EXAMPLE: Spring 2025 Class Shopping List- 12/2/2024 - List of Regs, HTS, 19 USC, and Other Supplies. FALL 2025 Class Shopping List will be posted when more information is available from CBP regarding the October CBLE requirements.
The government and legal publications may not be available or may be under revision at the time of order. You must use same reference materials as all other participants and instructor. No substitution without authorization from instructor.
CHB EXAM PREP Course Pre-Requisites:
The U.S. Customs Licensing Exam is a difficult, professional examination. To succeed, you will need a comprehensive knowledge of the import process, terminology, complete knowledge of the Customs Regulations, and an ability to reference the Harmonized Tariff to classify commodities as outlined in the General Notes and General Rules of Interpretation. Individuals have 3 minutes, on average, to answer each of 80 questions.
If you completed our introductory course, The Basics of Importing or have had equivalent import training and work frequently with the Regulations and the General Notes of the Harmonized Tariff, you're ready to study for the government licensing exam (Find out what you know. Take our FREE placement quiz!). Our CHB Exam Prep course promises you an arduous and challenging adventure. Your success will depend upon your initiative, your stamina and your self-confidence.
This study course is ONLY recommended for those individuals who have a college level English language reading ability. English language proficiency is essential to your success as a broker and for achieving a passing grade on the exam. It is recommended that students who lack this level of reading ability complete a college level English course before considering this program. Alternatively for Non-Native English-speaking students, we recommend that you obtain the score of 550 on a paper-based TOEFL or 213 on a computer-based TOEFL.
The "Leaphart Learning Center" works optimally on IBM compatible computers and Apple computers. Enabling pop-ups is required. This course is not available as an app, and designed to function from a desk-top or laptop computer. Downloaded PDFs saved to your computer may be shared with you phone to view or listen to PDF with an audio reader app.